The Cultural Office secures official Arts Month proclamations from El Paso County, Teller County, and the City of Colorado Springs. Below is the inspiring text that is read at each one by our local county commissioners and council members:

A Resolution recognizing October 2024 as Arts Month in the Pikes Peak Region …
WHEREAS, the month of October has been recognized as National Arts and Humanities Month by thousands of arts and cultural organizations, communities, and states across the U.S., as well as by the White House and Congress for nearly 30 years; and for 11 years here in the Pikes Peak region,
WHEREAS, the arts and humanities enhance and enrich the lives of every American, including those of us living in and visiting the Pikes Peak region; and
WHEREAS, the arts positively support mental wellbeing, community cohesion, education, healing, economic vitality, tourism, and our quality of life
WHEREAS, the arts and culture for-profit and non-profit sectors represent an over $1 trillion American industry, 4.4% of our national GDP ($16.9 billion in Colorado) that supports 4.85 million American jobs (102,383 jobs in Colorado.)
WHEREAS, the arts are a proven civic engagement tool, and can bring people together across difference in challenging times
WHEREAS, cultural heritage, creativity, and innovation are an intrinsic part of the history of Colorado Springs and of our shared future,
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED … hereby recognizes October 2024 as the 11th Annual Arts Month in the Pikes Peak Region and call upon our citizens to celebrate and value arts and culture and to specifically encourage greater participation by those said citizens in the local arts and humanities in their community.