Dreams & Visions: Recent Works by Allison Daniell
Opening: March 6 fromย 5-8 p.m.,ย part of First Fridays Downtown
“Dreams & Visions is about the mystery and beauty that is found when we start looking past the things we see with our eyes towards the things we can only see with our souls.” – Allison Daniell.ย Click to learn more.
City for Champions “Forum with the Arts” packs Studio Bee
On February 17, approximately 250 citizens crowded into Studio Bee at the Pikes Peak Center for the Performing Arts toย explore how the creative sector can influence and amplify City for Champions (C4C) and its “ripple effects” in our community. Eight local arts leaders offered intriguing perspectives on what these developments can mean for tourism and our cultural life, and inspired attendees to imagine what is possible beyond the four C4C projects.
Speaker notes, photos and press coverage are all collected here:ย https://www.culturaloffice.org/programs/advocacy/city-champions-creative-community/.
This was the largest community forum for City for Champions to date, and sent a powerful message to local leaders about the influence of our creative sector. Stay tuned for more as our advocacy and partnership with this “once in a generation” initiative continues to evolve.
Applause, please …
COPPeR celebrates accomplishments in our creative community regularly on our Face book page – and there is always so much to celebrate! Stay up on inspiring stories like these byย liking us on Facebookย today:ย https://www.facebook.com/artsculturefun.ย Email us at info@CulturalOffice.orgย when you hear good news worth sharing!
- A new mural by local artist Kim Polomka was unveiled in Downtown Colorado Springs: http://gazette.com/side-streets-street-art-with-a-twist/multimedia/video/4023747792001ย (2/1)
- Colorado Springs’ School District 11 Sign Choirย connects hearing impaired performers and audiences with music: http://gazette.com/sign-choir-lets-colorado-springs-students-feel-the-music/article/1546008รย (2/9)
- The Denver Business Journal covered the cultural plans popping up all over our state – with a respectful nod to our region’s 10-year cultural planย currently in place:ย http://www.bizjournals.com/denver/news/2015/02/09/more-on-the-cover-story-colorados-cities-counties.html?page=allย (2/10)
- The Colorado Springs Youth Symphony Association and Colorado Springs Children’s Chorale rallied the community around arts education at their annual Youth in Arts Breakfast. See photos here:ย https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10152724825091314.1073741853.24188376313&type=1ย (2/12)
- The internationally-renowned artist Christo won an important legal victory toward his dream of covering six miles of the Arkansas river with fabric, a project he has envisioned since the 1990s.ย ย http://gazette.com/opponents-to-christos-planned-art-project-in-colorado-lose-appeal/article/1546226ย (2/15)
- On Feb. 17, 250 citizens packed Studio Bee at the Pikes Peak Center to explore how the creative sector can influence and amplify the City for Champions initiative and its “ripple effects” in our community.ย https://www.culturaloffice.org/programs/advocacy/city-champions-creative-community/
- Manitou Springs was named one of our nation’s Top Ten Artsy Towns:ย http://www.worldpropertyjournal.com/featured-columnists/great-destinations/best-art-cities-yucca-motel-cornell-museum-of-art-tennessee-arts-crafts-trail-fredericksburg-insight-gallery-the-taos-pueblo-artsiest-town-in-america-8849.php
- INTERSECTION is commissioning original designs to transform 12 traffic signal cabinets inย Downtown Colorado Springs:ย http://www.downtowncs.com/experience-downtown/arts-culture/intersection.htmlย (2/25)
- Local playwright and hip hop artist Idris Goodwin connected the dots between rap and Walt Whitman in the Colorado Springs Independent’s feature story on Feb. 25.ย http://www.csindy.com/coloradosprings/idris-goodwin-sheds-light-on-raps-hidden-histories/Content?oid=3004017ย (2/25)
Colorado Creative Industries Annual Summit
April 23-24, Fort Collins, CO
Register Now, deadline is April 20
Click to watch the 2014 Summit video |
The annual Colorado Creative Industries Summit is a two-day conference that targets creative entrepreneurs, emerging creatives, municipal and non-profit cultural workers, and creative district leaders. Topics address practical, nuts-and-bolts approaches to creative business and how-to’s for working collectively with creatives, municipalities and businesses. COPPeR will be in attendance, and we would love to see a strong representation from the Pikes Peak region!
I.C.E. Night: First Drink Free at the Mezz for local Innovators, Creatives & Entrepreneurs
Beginning on Friday, March 6, and continuing every Friday from 10PM until closing, the Mezzanine (located at 20 North Tejon Street in Downtown Colorado Springs) will host I.C.E. Night, featuring a “first drink free” for all Innovators, Creatives, and Entertainers. For more information, visit www.themezzcos.com.
Fresh Updates on PeakRadar.com and the Peak Radar Picks E-Blast
We’ve unrolled fresh updates to the region’s #1 arts and culture calendar, PeakRadar.com, and our popular Peak Radar Picks E-blast.
On the website, you’ll now find a new configuration of categories to help you connect with the hottest events happening across the region:
- Theatre & Film
- Visual Arts
- Music & Dance
- Poetry, Prose & Comedy
- Special Events
- History & Heritage
- Sports & Recreation
- Classes & Workshops
- Family Fun
- Search by Region
The Peak Radar Picks E-blast has also been gussied up with a clean, modern look you’ll find easier to read on a variety of devices. Already, our click rate has doubled! If you haven’t opened the Picks E-blast lately, we invite you to take a peek this Wednesday and use it to plan your weekend. To subscribe, click here.
Colorado Change Leader Institute participants announced for Spring 2015
COPPeR execuitve director, Andy Vick, is among the 12 individuals from across the State who have been accepted to participate in the Spring 2015 Change Leader Institute, which will be held in Salida from March 23-25. Produced by Colorado Creative Industries (CCI), the Institute creates a statewide network for creative professionals and community leaders, and supports CCI’s goal of enabling cultural and community leaders to work through environmental and organizational change. For more information about theย Change Leader Institute, please follow this link.