It’s been another great year at the Cultural Office! Here are a few highlights:
Our fifth annual Arts Month celebration was a big success, with record levels of community engagement, collaboration, and support. is growing by leaps and bounds! By year’s end, we expect to earn over 1.5 million page views that provide access to more than 4,500 local events for residents and tourists.
In addition to serving downtown Colorado Springs and Old Colorado City, the free First Friday Shuttle Bus expanded into Manitou Springs this year. Look for the Shuttle Bus to return again in the spring of 2019 ..
In cooperation with the Pikes Peak Community Foundation, we launched Peak Arts Prize, a new community-based contest that funds projects that “amplify local arts” to new audiences. Peak Arts Prize will also return in 2019.
We’re also working on a Creative Corridor initiative, contracting with TRG Arts to do some data analysis about local arts consumers, operating an Art-o-Mat® machine, and representing our creative community at the local, state, and national levels.
In partnership with the Bee Vradenburg Foundation and a committee of local stakeholders, we’ve started the process to update our community’s Cultural Plan for the years 2020-2030.
Through Creative Forces, a national initiative focusing on arts and healing in the military sector, the Cultural Office is leading the implementation of an innovative local demonstration project called Military Arts Connection.
You can learn more about these programs and all our work here on this website. If you like what we’re doing as your local arts agency (and I hope you do!), I invite you to support our work with a generous, tax-deductible gift. Thanks, and Happy Holidays!
– Andy Vick, Executive Director
PLUS: On December 3, the Cultural Office welcomed our new Cultural Office Assistant, Rebekah Hire. As a new resident of Colorado and the Pikes Peak region, Rebekah brings an enthusiastic, fresh sense of our community, as well as a degree in Intercultural Studies and a commitment to supporting our staff and our downtown Colorado Springs arts info space. Welcome, Rebekah!
The Cultural Office of the Pikes Peak Region (COPPR) is proud to launch PeakArtsEd, a new arts education search tool within the website. This
The Cultural Office has put together the ultimate Creative Economy Guide, where you can find funding, new opportunities, upcoming trainings, and cohesive resources