In 2016, we partnered with Americans for the Arts to lead an in depth study of the economic impact of our local arts community as part of the national Arts & Economic Prosperity 5 (AEP5) study. It was the third time we had lead the study on behalf of the Pikes Peak region, which is conducted every 5 years. The Cultural Office succeeded in gathering organizational data from 87 nonprofit arts organizations (an increase of 70% from the previous study in 2011) and 867 audience surveys at 15 local arts & cultural events (an increase of 33%). Thank you to everyone who participated!
The results are now in, and they are impressive!
Join us at Coffee with COPPeR on Wednesday, July 12 at 8 a.m. for a local summit on the results, featuring special guest Randy Cohen, VP of Research & Policy at Americans for the Arts.
Read the late June full newsletter here: