Arts Advocates are specially-trained to speak knowledgeably about our local arts scene as volunteers at COPPeR’s festival booths, as committee members across the region, and as active citizens. The training equips Advocates with a deeper understanding of arts in the Pikes Peak region, COPPeR’s distinct role here and community advocacy overall. Advocates sign up for their choice of volunteer opportunities at COPPeR’s arts booth at regional festivals during the summer of 2014.
By the end of the lunch, attendees will be able to:
- explain what COPPeR is and what it does.
speak knowledgeably about the local arts scene and its real value in the region.
- encourage friends, family, and community members to support the arts with attendance, time and/or resources.
- connect people with arts and culture in the region.
- speak on behalf of the arts on committees, boards and policy meetings.
Want in? Our 2014 Arts Advocates training will be held Wed., April 30 at 12:00-1:00 p.m. at the Manitou Art Center. Lunch will be provided and space is limited. Reserve your spot today!